How to Change Skins in Bukkit for Minecraft

Bukkit is a community-made set of tools that allow users to use plugins with their Minecraft servers. It’s downloadable entirely free of charge and will provide new ways to have fun with friends. One of the things you can do with Bukkit is to change your skin.

How to Change Skins in Bukkit for Minecraft

To change a skin using Bukkit, you’ll need a plugin called ChangeSkin. It’s lightweight and easy to use. For those not sure what the process entails, you’re in luck. Read on to find out all you need to know about this plugin.

Changing Skins

Assuming you already have Bukkit on your server, you’ll need to obtain the ChangeSkin plugin. You can download it for any Bukkit server running Minecraft version 1.8 and above. Remember to get a compatible plugin for your Minecraft client.

Install ChangeSkin

As with all Bukkit plugins, you’ll need to install them. Luckily, the process is straightforward and takes very little time. Here’s how it goes:

  1. Download ChangeSkin.
  2. Place the plugin’s .jar and other files into your plugin directory.
  3. Run your Bukkit server.
  4. Bring up the server console.
  5. Type “stop”.
  6. Once the server stops, quit and rerun it.
  7. If everything goes perfectly, you should be able to use the commands right away.

If you don’t know where your plugin directory is, it should be in your CraftBukkit server folder. Look for a folder called “plugins.” Drag and drop the files inside, and you should be done.

Using ChangeSkin

With ChangeSkin running, you’ll now be able to change your skin or someone else’s. The plugin is excellent since it brings plenty of advantages to the table.

For example, ChangeSkin doesn’t have any special requirements. You can also use ChangeSkin with an unmodified client, and there’s a possibility to create a standard skin.

ChangeSkin has two main commands, which are:

  • /setskin
  • /skinupdate

There are four permissions you can grant or withhold.

  • changeskin.command.skinupdate
  • changeskin.command.setskin.* (which grants or withholds the two permissions below)
  • changeskin.command.setskin
  • changeskin.command.setskin.other

You can even allow or block certain skins with these next permissions.

  •* (this command allows all available skins)

To change your skin, use this set of instructions.

  1. Go to your Bukkit server.
  2. Bring up the console.
  3. Type “/setskin (insert uuid here)”.
  4. Your skin should now change to that of a particular player.

Using UUID means copying a player’s particular numbers into the console. The process is incredibly fluid and takes no time at all.

Try this instead if you want to match another present player’s skin.

  1. Head to your Bukkit server.
  2. Bring up the console.
  3. Type “/setskin (insert player’s name here)”.
  4. Your skin will then match the player’s skin, and there will be two players with identical appearances.

With /setskin, you can make separate teams divided based on their skins. It would be helpful when playing team-based games.

ChangeSkin can also be used to change another player’s skin. To do so, check out the instructions below:

  1. Make sure there’s more than one player on the Bukkit server.
  2. Log in.
  3. Make the console appear.
  4. Enter the command “/setskin (player’s name) (new skin UUID or another player’s name)”.
  5. Run the command.
  6. Watch as the target player has their appearance altered.

/skinupdate” is only used to update the player’s skin if they swapped theirs for another one in their files.

Granting Permissions

As mentioned above, the server owner might not want people to switch their appearances at a whim since it can ruin team games. Therefore, the maker of the ChangeSkin plugin implemented permission commands.

Players are allowed to set their or others’ skins. These commands can be prohibited with the “changeskin.command.setskin” and “changeskin.command.setskin.other” commands.

Additional FAQs

Does Bukkit allow for mods?

No, Bukkit doesn’t work with mods because mods are based on vanilla Minecraft. With some special tools like BukkitForge, you can combine both. However, Bukkit usually isn’t compatible with them, with very few exceptions.

Is Bukkit better than Forge?

It’s actually the opposite, as mods and Forge are much more diverse in what they bring to the table. Instead, Bukkit has some limitations that don’t affect Forge. However, Bukkit is more user-friendly to the average Minecraft player.

Do people still use Bukkit?

Yes, but Bukkit hasn’t been updated since 2014. The team has joined Mojang and discontinued the project. Today, Spigot is the more dominant server tool.

I’m You, and You’re Me

With the help of ChangeSkin, Minecraft players using Bukkit can assume the appearance of one another. The plugin is user-friendly and can be mastered in no time. With this installed, you can ensure team-based games are more entertaining for everyone.

Do you use Bukkit for your server? What’s your favorite plugin? Let us know in the comments section below.

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