How To Make a Spoiler Text or Image in Discord

Discord lets you decorate your messages with emojis, gifs, and images, but some people are unaware of how they can use Markdown formatting features to achieve more unique effects. Using keyboard commands on your computer or mobile device can change the way viewers and readers see the content you publish.

How To Make a Spoiler Text or Image in Discord

This handy feature enables users to add all sorts of formatting to messages, including bold, italics, code formatting, and spoiler tags.

Spoiler tags alert others that you are about to give information about something that someone is not ready to see. Once you’ve added this tag, another user will only see a grey or black box over the content.

Let’s look at how you can add spoiler tags to messages in Discord.

How To Create a Spoiler Tag in Discord – Desktop

Discord developers have heard the cries of the people and have made it incredibly simple to add spoiler tags that block out any content the writer chooses to input.

There are a few different ways to add a spoiler tag in Discord. Take a look at both below and use whichever method is easiest for you.

Mark as Spoiler

Fortunately, adding spoiler tags is easier than ever. Here’s what to do:

  1. Type your message in the Discord chatbox.
  2. Use your mouse (or double-click the text) to highlight your message.
  3. Click on the eye icon in the small pop-up window.
  4. Verify that your text now has the two vertical bars.
  5. Hit Enter on your computer’s keyboard to send the message with a Spoiler tag.

After you send the message, everyone in the chat can see it. But, the spoiler tag will grey out the text until your friends click it to reveal the content.

Using Markdown

Another option to add spoiler tags to your Discord messages is using markdown codes. We like this option because your fingers never have to leave the keyboard. Here’s how to add spoiler tags to a message using markdown codes:

  1. Type two vertical bars before your text (the Shift + Back Slash key).
  2. Type your text (there’s no need to add a space between the bars and the text).
  3. Type two vertical bars again at the end of your text.
  4. Hit Enter on your keyboard to send the message with a spoiler tag.

These bars will ensure your message is hidden within a spoiler tag, requiring others to click to reveal the information.

The words between the two pipes will be covered by a grey box known as a spoiler tag. Other users cannot see the content behind the spoiler tag until they click it. Those who want to keep the spoiler a secret can simply refrain from clicking on the spoiler phrase.

How to Hide Images & Attachments with Spoiler Tags

If you want to share an image or video clip that you know others may not be ready to see; you can. And the good news is that you can add spoiler tags to attachments on desktops and mobile devices.

How to Add Spoiler Tags to Images – Desktop

If you, like most people, use the desktop version of Discord, follow these steps to add spoiler tags to images:

  1. Open Discord. Navigate to the server and channel you use, then click the + icon to add an attachment.
  2. Choose the file or image you’d like to upload from your device. Discord will now show you the option to Mark as Spoiler before pressing the send button.
  3. After tapping the eye icon, your image will be hidden behind a spoiler tag.

When another user is ready to reveal the content, they only need to click it.

How to Add Spoiler Tags to Images – Mobile

If you need to upload an image from your mobile device but also want to cover it with a spoiler tag, you can. Follow these steps:

  1. Open Discord on your mobile device and head to the channel where you want to send the image. Tap the + icon and choose the image from your phone’s gallery.
  2. Allow the image to upload, then long-press it.
  3. iOS users can tap Mark as spoiler.
  4. Android users will see the Mark as spoiler option listed like this:

How to Add Spoiler Tags on Discord Mobile

We aren’t always at our computer when interacting with others on Discord. Fortunately, the mobile version has a lot of the same functionality as the desktop version. However, the methods vary slightly depending on whether you’re using iOS or Android, so we’ll cover both in this section.

How to Add Spoiler Tags on Android

Android users will have a little more difficulty adding spoiler tags than iOS users. Nonetheless, it is possible to cloak your messages before sending them on Android devices. Here’s how:

Note: You can find the two vertical bars on any Android keyboard by tapping on the number symbol in the left-hand corner. Keep tapping that key until you find the two vertical bars. We’re using Gboard for reference.

  1. Open the Discord mobile app and tap on the chatbox where you’re sending your messages. Tap the chat box, so the keyboard on your phone appears. Type the two vertical bars just like we did on a desktop.
  2. Type the text you’d like to send to the chat. Then add two more vertical bars.
  3. Click the send icon to the right of the text box.

Now, everyone who sees your message will need to tap it to unveil its contents.

How to Add a Spoiler Tag on iOS

Apple users have two options to add spoiler tags. You can use markdown to send a hidden message or Discord’s in-chat menu. Let’s review both.

To add a spoiler tag using Discord markdown, do this:

  1. Tap on the chatbox and pull up your iPhone’s keyboard. In the lower-left corner, tap on the ABC key. Then, tap on the 123 key.
  2. Locate the vertical bar on your keyboard. Then, input it twice.
  3. Type your message, then type two more vertical bars. Finally, tap the send arrow to submit your message to the chat.

While this method may be simpler for some, there’s an even easier way to send messages with spoiler tags in Discord. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Discord chat and type your message (there’s no need to add the vertical bars).
  2. Highlight the text by double-tapping it (or you can long-press the text). Drag the cursor to cover all parts of the message you want to hide. Then, tap Mark as spoiler in the pop-up menu.
  3. Finally, tap the send arrow to send your spoiler to everyone in the chat.

How to Disable Spoiler Tags

Both users and Admins have the power to control spoilers (to some extent). Regardless of your preference, let’s discuss what you can do to deactivate spoilers.

Rather than heading to the server you want to moderate, we’ll head to your user settings to access the spoiler tag menu. Here’s what to do:

  1. Open Discord and tap on the Settings cog next to your username in the lower-left corner.
  2. Click on Text & Images in the menu on the left.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of this page to reveal the spoiler tag options.

You can select one of three options in this menu. Here’s what each option does:

  • On Click – This hides all spoilers for you in every channel (even ones you don’t moderate).
  • On servers I moderate – This will turn off spoiler tags on your servers (meaning servers you own or moderate).
  • Always – This disables spoiler tags for your account. You will never see a spoiler tag.

As you can see, it’s pretty easy to disable spoiler tags if they are something that annoys you. Just be careful; you may see something you aren’t prepared to know.

Add Text Effects With Markdown

Now that you know how to make a spoiler tag in Discord, check out these other Markdown tags available on the Discord platform to help you format your text:

Italics: *phrase* or _phrase_

Bold: **phrase**

Bold Italics: ***phrase***

Underline: _phrase_

Underline Italics: _*phrase*_

Underline Bold: _**phrase**_

Underline Bold Italics: _***phrase***_

Strikethrough: ~~phrase~~

Also, if you have no desire to use Markdown effects but want to use symbols in your text, place a backslash at the start of the phrase. This way, you can use asterisks and other Markdown symbols without adding effects. However, this backslash feature doesn’t work in messages that have edits or underscores.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are more answers to your questions about Discord’s Spoiler Tags.

Can I re-hide a Spoiler?

Yes. But you can’t unsee what you’ve already seen. To hide a spoiler after you’ve clicked on it, you’ll need to leave the channel and come back. Unfortunately, clicking on a spoiler after you’ve revealed it won’t work. Click on another server or channel in one of the menus to the left, then return to the channel. Upon entering the chat, you’ll see the spoiler is hidden again.

Can I disable spoiler tags for other users?

No. You can only disable spoilers for your own account. Even admins and moderators cannot disable spoilers for everyone.

Remember that you can only disable spoilers on the desktop app or the browser version of Discord.

Can I add a spoiler tag to a hyperlink?

Yes! If you’re sharing a link to the end of your favorite TV show or a cut scene from your favorite game, you can follow the same steps above to mark the link as a spoiler.

Have any other helpful Discord tips? Please share them in the comments below!

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