How to Make a Copy for Each Student in Google Classroom

Distributing assignments to students online can be a stressful task for teachers. However, Google Classroom’s user-friendly interface helps them create, manage, and share various assignments such as quizzes and discussions. Better still, the create and assign features ensure that each student can receive tasks and collaborate with teachers.

This article will explain how to make individual file copies for each student on Google Classroom.

Making a Copy for Each Student on Google Classroom

When attaching a file to share with students, Google Classroom provides you with three options:

  • Students can view the file: Students can only open and view the document but can’t edit it.
  • Students can edit the file: Students can not only open and view the file, but they can also make changes of their own. This setting is mostly for group work assessments.
  • Create a copy for each student: This option produces a distinct copy of the original file for each student. It also allows teachers to see everyone’s work but limits students’ access to their files only.

Here’s how to make a copy for each student on Google Classroom:

  1. Launch your Chrome browser and tap the App launcher next to your profile in the top right corner.
  2. Scroll the apps and select Classroom. When the page loads, you’ll see all your classes in the dashboard.
  3. Select the class with the material you want to make a copy for each student.
  4. When the class opens, select Classwork on the menu bar at the top.
  5. Tap the Create button and tap Assignment from the dropdown menu that appears.
  6. Once on the assignment page, go to the following:
    • “Title” section and type the copy’s title.
    • “Instructions” section and type what you want the students to do with the copies.
    • “Attach” section and tap the location where you’ve saved the file you want to share from the sources listed there.
    • On the pop-up window, find the file you’d like to assign and select the blue “Add” button at the bottom. The file will appear beneath the “Instruction” section.
  7. Go to the drop-down menu to the right of the selected file and select Make a copy for each student.
  8. On the right side of the assignment page, you have the option to do the following:
    • Select specific students to complete the assignment or all students
    • Put in a due date for submission
    • Create a point value if the assignment is for grading
    • Select a topic that the assignment is based on for future reference
  9. Once done, hit the Assign button at the top right corner to send the task to students.

Managing Student Copies on Google Drive

If you go to Google Drive immediately after assigning students copies, it’ll be empty. Google doesn’t make a copy of the teacher’s document until the students open the file. When students do so, the Google Drive assignment folder will contain the relevant copies. If a student fails to open their assignment, their copy won’t be available in the assignment folder.

Updating an Assignment Shared as Copy to Each Student

Unfortunately, after assigning copies to students, you can’t add another document as “Make a copy of each student.” The only option you have is to add a document as “Can view” or “Can edit.” This can be a problem if you want students to make edits to the copy.

Fortunately, you can bypass this hurdle:

  1. Open the file you want to add to the assignment you shared as a copy to each student.
  2. Highlight the URL link.
  3. Right-click the URL and select Copy. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C to copy the link.
  4. Return to Google Classroom and select the class with the student copies you want to update. Tap Stream in the menu bar at the top to view the assignments.
  5. Go to the assignment you want to update and tap the More options menu to the right.
  6. Choose Edit from the drop-down menu.
  7. Go to the Attach section at the bottom of the page and select Link.
  8. Right-click on the dialogue box that appears and select Paste. Alternatively, press Ctrl + V on the keyboard to paste the link.
  9. Towards the end of the link, replace “/edit” with /copy. Tap Add link to save the updates.

When a student clicks on the link, it’ll prompt them to make a copy. In addition, the copy won’t go to the Google Drive class assignment folder, but to the student’s Google Drive. As such, the teacher won’t have access to the copy.

Best Practices When Sharing Copies with Students

Here are some best practices that can make document sharing with students more effective.

Give Clear Instructions on What You Expect from Students

Giving clear instructions to students helps them understand what the assignment entails and what you expect of them. It reduces the likelihood of students getting confused or misunderstanding the assignment. On this note, it’s also important to include the due date to help students organize their time properly.

Name the Files Uniformly

When working on the same form, use a uniform name. This makes it easy for you and students to identify it among other files quickly. Providing a uniform file naming convention can help in this case.

Make Use of the Comment and Feedback Feature

The comment and feedback feature facilitates smooth communication and collaboration with students. Use the features to provide clarification to students and to answer any questions. For more personalized communication, use the private comment feature.

Monitor Students’ Progress

Without monitoring, students can lose track of online classes. To keep everyone on their toes, always check student’s progress. Check who hasn’t checked the assignments and contact them. This way, you can offer timely support and hold students accountable.


Can I share a previously shared copy with students who join the class later?

Yes, you can share a previously shared copy with students who join the class later. Google Classroom has an option for editing and updating the copies.

Can students access their copies after the due date?

Students will be able to access their copies even after the due date. When they open their copies, you’ll see their names in the Google Drive assignment folder.

Collaborate Smoothly with Students

Knowing how to make a copy for each student on Google Classroom is a necessary skill for a teacher. It ensures each student has their study materials and helps you to follow up on individual learning progress.

What do you like or dislike about the Google Classroom feature for making student copies? Do you use an alternative that works better for you? Let us know in the comment section below.

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