Minecraft: How to Make a Brewing Stand

You may want night vision in Minecraft to navigate in the dark or increase the damage you inflict on your enemies. Perhaps you want to make yourself faster, stronger, or invisible to escape a deadly encounter. If so, potions are potent elixirs that can make this happen.

Regardless, you won’t be able to cook up any magical concoctions without a brewing stand in Minecraft. While it might seem straightforward, the Brewing Stand requires much time to create.

Here’s everything you need to know about making a brewing stand in Minecraft.

How to Make a Brewing Stand in Minecraft

A Brewing Stand is an advanced crafting station in Minecraft. However, you’ll still need a Crafting Table to create one. So, chop some wood, split it into planks, and combine four planks in a Crafting Table.

With that done, you can make a brewing stand. Here’s the magic recipe:

  1. Gather three Cobblestone (or any other stone) and one Blaze Rod.
  2. Interact with your Crafting Table to access it.
  3. Place three Cobblestones horizontally on the bottom row of the 3×3 grid.
  4. Put one Blaze Rod in the center of the grid.
  5. Click and drag the Brewing Stand from the result slot on the right into your inventory.

When you want to place the Brewing Stand, move it from the inventory to the hot bar, equip it, and click on your desired location.

You can substitute Cobblestone for Blackstone or mix and match the two to make your brewing stand.

While the recipe of the Brewing Stand sounds simple, the Blaze Rods are the critical component, which requires you to delve into the Nether.

How to Get Blaze Rods in Minecraft

Blaze Rods are a handy resource in Minecraft. They serve the dual purpose of being essential for both brewing and smelting. They’re also necessary for making and fueling your brewing station. Blaze Rods can only be acquired by killing Blazes. Each Blaze has a 50% chance to drop a Rod when you kill it directly. But first, you’ll need to enter the Nether.

How to Build a Nether Portal in Minecraft

The Nether is dangerous, filled with hostile mobs and deadly terrain. But it’s also where you can find some of the most valuable materials and loot drops, such as Blaze Rods. The only way to access it in Minecraft is through a Nether Portal.

While you may stumble upon a Nether portal in the wild, the odds are slim, so building one is more reliable. Even if you find a Portal, it’s likely missing a few blocks.

If you play Minecraft with friends, finding or building a Nether Portal becomes a lot easier. But if you have to build a portal of your own, you will need at least ten Obsidian blocks plus Flint and Steel.

Obsidian is created by water flowing over lava, so you’ll need to get a Water Bucket and find a source to get water. Alternatively, natural waterfalls can sometimes plunder into lava pools (usually underground), creating natural pockets of Obsidian. Regardless of how you find it, you need a Diamond Pickaxe to mine Obsidian.

You must combine an Iron Ingot (smelted raw iron) and Flint (a rare drop from mining Gravel) for Flint and Steel.

After that, make a simple 4×5 grid of Obsidian blocks and light it up. Here’s how:

  1. Set down two Obsidian blocks on the ground next to one another.
  2. Place two Cobblestone blocks on either side of the two Obsidian blocks already in position.
  3. Stack three Obsidian blocks vertically on top of both Cobblestone blocks.
  4. Place a Cobblestone block atop both the vertical towers of Obsidian blocks.
  5. Put two Obsidian blocks between the top two Cobblestone blocks to connect them.
  6. Light a fire inside the portal’s space, commonly with some Flint and Steel.

You can replace the Dirt blocks with Obsidian or enlarge the portal’s area with a grid of over 4×5 blocks (with 23×23 being the limit).

Recommended Nether Gear

The Nether is a menacing parallel dimension crawling with savage mobs out for your blood. Therefore, you should be well-equipped when you enter this nightmarish world. That means loading yourself with armor, weapons, and other items so you can fend off hostile mobs and kill Blazes to claim valuable Blaze Rods.

Suggested Gear for Surviving the Nether

  • Melee weapons: Hand-to-hand combat is almost inevitable in the Nether with all the dangerous mobs sneaking around. Swords and axes can be fashioned from various materials, from wood to iron. However, Diamond Swords and Diamond Axes are the most durable and dish out the most damage. When killing Blazes, the ideal melee weapon is a Diamond Sword or Diamond Axe, enhanced with a Sharpness enchantment.
  • Armor: There is a range of armor to protect you from the powerful Nether mobs. Armor can be made from different materials, from leather to gold, although Diamond Armor offers the highest level of protection. However, a shield is the best defense to protect yourself from the barrage of fireballs launched by a Blaze. A shield will help you block these deadly balls of fire and minimize damage during battle.
  • Projectile weapons: Long-range weapons allow you to launch attacks at your enemies from a safer distance. They’re convenient for killing Blazes. Snowballs are your best route to killing a Blaze because they are infused with fire, and hitting them with snowballs will put that fire out and kill them. Alternatively, bow and arrows are also effective for killing Blazes.
  • Food: You should always bring a stash of Golden Apples when visiting the Nether. They will provide healing powers that are super important during your furious conflicts.
  • Enchantments: Enchantments give your weapons, armor, and tools special powers or abilities that enhance them. When killing Blazes, enchanting your bow and arrow with a power enchantment is a great tactic. It will power up the damage you inflict each time you land an arrow, allowing you to get your Blaze Rod faster. A protection enchantment for your armor is also a good idea to limit the damage taken during your life-and-death Blaze battle.
  • Blocks: The terrain of the Nether is just as hostile as the mobs you will face. Bringing blocks like Cobblestone will help you navigate or close off areas with bridges and shelters.

While it might sound odd, the best weapon for taking down a Blaze and acquiring Blaze Rods is Snowballs. While snowballs don’t do anything to most other enemies, they’re mighty weapons for slaying a Blaze. You need to hit a Blaze with seven snowballs to kill it and collect your hard-earned Blaze Rod. Shovel some snow—note that you must use a shovel as other tools just destroy snow—and you’ll get a reserve of snowballs in no time.

Become a Potion Master With Your Brewing Stand

The importance of having a brewing stand in Minecraft is undeniable. This ultra-handy utility is your singular pathway to concocting a vast array of powerful potions available to enhance you with unique abilities and boost your Minecraft experience. Therefore, it’s critical that you not only make a brewing stand but also do it ASAP.

Next, you might want to learn how to find an ancient city in Minecraft since they offer a lot of items to loot.

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