How to Delete a Workspace in Notion

Many companies resort to Notion as their main collaboration platform. However, workspaces have a life of their own and, as a creator of one, you may want to delete the workspace once it’s no longer active. You may also want to get out of a workspace, or even delete your Notion account.

How to Delete a Workspace in Notion

If you want to switch workspaces, create a new one, or ditch Notion altogether, this guide will explain everything you need to know.

Deleting a Workspace

So, you’ve created a workspace on Notion and want to delete it for whatever reason. You may even have accidentally created one. Maybe the team has disbanded? Maybe you want to start from scratch with a new workspace and forget about this one. Here’s how to do it.

Inside a workspace, in the left part of the screen, you’ll see a list of entries. Select the Settings & Members entry with a gear icon in front of it. In the window that opens and under the Settings tab, scroll all the way down. You’ll see the Danger zone entry, with a Delete entire workspace option, written in red. If you’re certain that you want to delete the entire workspace, click this option and confirm by clicking Permanently Delete Workspace. Before confirming, you’ll have to enter the name of the workspace.

Bear in mind that this action can’t be undone. The entirety of content will be deleted and the workspace will no longer be accessible.

notion delete workspace

Leaving a Workspace

If you’re a part of a workspace that you haven’t created and want to leave, this is easy enough to do. In fact, it’s common for people who switch jobs, or who are no longer part of certain projects. Here’s how to leave a workspace.

It works pretty much similar to deleting the entire workspace. The command is even located in the same Danger zone section. To leave a workspace, click Leave workspace and confirm if necessary. This will remove your access from all the content in said workspace and effectively remove you from it.

However, this is nowhere near as critical as deleting the entire workspace, as you can ask an admin to grant you access to a workspace after you’ve left it.

Deleting a Notion Account

Deleting your Notion account carries many restrictions with it. For one, you’ll immediately lose access to the entirety of workspaces that used to be associated with the account. This includes the workspaces that you’ve created – all private workspaces will be permanently deleted. Additionally, all paid plans that you’ve subscribed to will be canceled immediately. This action can’t be reversed.

Therefore, you should exercise caution before deleting your Notion account. If you’re certain that you want to delete your account, here’s how to do it.

First, go to Settings & Members from the panel to the left. At the top of the sidebar, select the My account entry. Scroll all the way down. The My account tab has its own Danger zone section. Under it, you’ll find the Delete my account option. Click it. In the window that pops up, you’ll see a list of workspaces that you’re a part of. Directly below, you’ll see a box where you’re required to type in your email in order to confirm account deletion.

how to delete workspace

Enter your email, and select Permanently delete account and [number] workspaces. Finally, confirm the deletion, and you’re done. Everything associated with that Notion account will be permanently removed. Again, be aware that you can’t undo this action. Like deleting a workspace, deleting a Notion account is irreversible. Even if you use the same email to create the new one, you’ll be starting from scratch.

Ditching on Notion

As you can see, deleting or leaving a workspace, and deleting your Notion account are simple and straightforward actions. Unless you’re leaving a workspace, think twice about whether you want to delete it or your account. If you’re 100% certain that you won’t be needing any of the content inside a workspace or related to your account, follow the instructions, and ditch Notion.

Why have you decided to delete/leave a workspace? Are you deleting your account permanently? Discuss all Notion-related issues in the comments section below. Oh, and feel free to ask any questions or add any tips regarding the subject at hand.

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